Federal Advocacy Alert - July 11, 2024

Dear Special District Friends:
If you would like to join the meeting and have not already done so, please RSVP by reply email to Bruce Lundegren and he will send you Teams access info. Bruce E. Lundegren, Assistant Chief Counsel, SBA//Office of Advocacy; Bruce.Lundegren@sba.gov; Tel.: 202.205.6144 // Cell: 703.863.8157
The next Small Business Labor Safety (OSHA/MSHA) Roundtable is on Friday, July 12, 2024, from 10:00 a.m. until 12:00 noon EST. The meeting will be held via Teams meeting and open to stakeholders.
They will be discussing OSHA’s proposed Emergency Response rule (public comment period closes on July 22, 2024) and OSHA’s newly released proposed Heat Injury and Illness Prevention Programs rule.