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Federal Advocacy Committee

Congratulations to our Federal Advocacy Committee for their groundbreaking work on defining Special Districts!  This first-ever legislation has passed the House and the Senate Homeland Security Committee!

Whether we are all hands on deck or in maintenance mode, the Committee and our policy advisor network are the centerpieces of NSDC's national advocacy. The member Committee's virtual monthly meetings offer NSDC Members direct monthly engagement with NSDC's Advocacy Team and a voice in the direction of the Coalition's policy engagement.

Each NSDC Committee meeting consists of the latest news out of Washington and developments on policies of special districts’ interest and interface with the NSDC Legislative Team. During Committee meetings, members may consider positions on federal legislation and authorize advocacy action on topics of concern for special districts.  Does this intrigue you? Think about joining the Coalition!

NSDC Members may access full Committee information including governing documents and agendas, by logging into the NSDC Portal.

NSDC Federal Advocacy Committee Members and Representatives

Designated Committee Members 

Primary Committee Members are expected to participate in legislative discussions and represent the seated association with one vote.

  • California – Neil McCormick, CEO, California Special Districts Association
  • Colorado – [Chair] Ann Terry, Executive Director, Special Districts Association of Colorado
  • Florida – David Ramba, Executive Director, Florida Association of Special Districts, and Angela Weeks-Samenie
  • Oregon - [Vice-Chair] Frank Stratton, Executive Director, Special Districts Association of Oregon
  • South Carolina – Brian Flynn and Amber Barnes, Vice President of Government Affairs, South Carolina Association of Special Purpose Districts
  • Utah – LeGrand Bitter, Executive Director, Utah Association of Special Districts
  • Wyoming – Craig Haslam, President, Wyoming Association of Special Districts
Secondary Members 

Secondary Committee Members are encouraged to participate in legislative discussions and represent the seated association in the event the Primary Committee Member is absent. 

  • California – Kyle Packham, Advocacy and Public Affairs Director, California Special Districts Association
  • Colorado – Michael Valdez, Director of Policy, Special Districts Association of Colorado
  • Florida – Chief Jim Millican, President, Florida Association of Special Districts
  • Oregon – Jennifer Quisenberry, Director of Member Services, Special Districts Association of Oregon
  • South Carolina – Chief Charles P. Jolley, South Carolina Association of Special Purpose Districts
  • Utah – Heather Anderson, Director of Government Relations, Utah Association of Special Districts
  • Wyoming – Lindsey Woodward, Secretary, Wyoming Association of Special Districts


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